04 December, 2017


I just won something. 
     First off I never win anything so you know there’s that, but then to win something that’s actually interesting doesn’t just push the boundaries it makes them just disappear.

A little history. 

I subscribe to a Youtube channel called, “Garageband and Beyond”. A really nice guy named Lewin tutors people on how the Apple program Garageband can be used and is way more than a toy. Now, as far as DAW’s go (DAW = Digital Audio Workstation) I have a couple one of which is Garageband and I do use it. I use it a lot for video editing. Well, the audio of the video anyway and any smallish song idea I might have had and used the mobile version to record.  I have learned tons from his channel. He does reviews of products, how to’s, and Give Away Contests. The one I entered he was giving away these mixing monitors from IK MultiMedia which he had tested out. All you had to do is listen to a track played through two sets of monitors. One of which were the Ik’s. Guess correctly and then he picks a name from all of whom got it right. Well, he picked my name. Cool huh?
I have one set already, but have been looking for another set to work with. I’m hoping that this Winter I can redo my studio. Utilize the space better and create more space in it. 

Here’s a link to the company’s page on the speakers I won.
And here’s a link to Lewins contest winning announcement.
Here’s an Amazon Affiliate link to the speakers themselves. I mean you know just in case you want to get your own.

Of course having a new set of monitors means I need to produce another cd this year, so I guess there’s one coming.
Keep your ear to the rail for that. It will most likely be blues oriented.

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