11 April, 2011

Spring Rain

Spring Rain

I know not what to write about the Rain.

It seams so obvious to me.

Holy of Holy’s

Sacred giver and taker of live

is the rain.

We can know how it forms, and

what makes it up.

We can know it’s cycles and patterns.

We can and will be enriched by all of

this knowledge.

Will this knowledge change it’s mystical presence?

Maybe..probably not for me though.

Holy Rain

Sacred Rain

Running down nude spring time skin

Falling on Holy Sacred Earth

Making mud - good thick loamy mud

for growing and feeding.

What else?

It’s stronger than stone.

The rain is an artist carving/creating beauty

from solid rock.

The rain must be a woman for who else can

create life...holding the power of the generations

inside her simple beauty.

Or perhaps the rain is the man

feeding the earths vagina and womb.

Together creating life.

Or perhaps it’s just simple holy rain

falling from a thick gray sky on a warm

spring morning.


Thank you for the rain, and the earth, and the sky.

Thank you.

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