21 July, 2007

hmmmmm, what do I write about?

Hmmm, now what do I want to write about?
Well, I could tell you all about this crazy experience I had as a boy with a pellet gun. Well, okay maybe not that one....okay how about this one I had when I was just as little and it was wintertime.

Yes thats the one.
I was all of like 12 years old, and living in the country right by this old beat up lake. It was in the middle of the coldest winter I had yet experienced, but even so being all young and stupid my buddy and I went out into the cold.
He was the neighbor kid, and we used to get in all sorts of trouble Everything from BB gun fights with the other neighbor boys to falling through the ice.
There was a lake behind our houses and in the front and on the other side of the road was the scary swamp. Dan and I went out to the swamp to watch turtles and practice our war cries. Yup this hippie_dippie did just that.

Both of our parents had told us to stay off the ice, but we were to young to do what they said, so off we went.

When stepping on fragile ice you must first spread yourself apart from the other folks that are out there doing the same thing you are. After all you may be buddies, but who wants to fall through the ice.
Dan and I started off slowly about 6 or 7 feet apart, and every movement was slow and painful. I never quite lifted my foot so much as slid it across the ice. The first loud crack came from his side like a rifle going off in your ear. We froze in our tracks...(ya I know but I had to use that word...come on.) We stopped for a long ass time man. It was so long that I swear the Starship Voyager could have gotten home.
We slowly inched our way out and into the middle of the swamp. The referance don't go out on the black ice is very accurate, and I just want everyone to know that.
We got out to the middle of the whole thing and looked all around.

Man let me tell you about that feeling. We had just proved to ourselves that our parents didn't know squat. Heck we even shook hands right then and there deciding it. We were so cool we were going to go finish the journey to the otherside of the swamp.

Just as we started out toward the other side it happened. Now maybe it was the combined weight of both of us little boys, or perhaps it was the shaking of our happy little hands, or maybe the ice just wasn't thick enough yet. I dont know and to be honest I don't loose all that much sleep on it either. All I do know and will never forget was the sinking of my friend. Wierd huh? There was no big glorious ice crunch. I just looked at him and noticed that suddenly I was taller than he was. If I can borrow from an over used phrase...the whole thing went in slow motion. I noticed that he just kinda sunk about 6 inches before I followed suit and before we knew it. SPLOOSH!!!! Into the cold water we went. Dude. YOu have not felt cold in your life until this happens to you. Nope you really haven't. I know your trying to come up with something now, but it isn't going to work. All right go ahead....no colder than that.

Colder than that.
In the very moment that I fell through and got wet I felt a million frozen little nail running into my little body.
You can even feel your heart jump up and say,
"Holy Crap alive what in the Sam hell are you doing?"
We were fortunate and only went in up to our chests, and immediately jumped out. I swear something or someone was watching the two of us because the ice didn't break when we climbed out. It also held when we walked back across the ice from were we came instead of around and on the far side of the swamp.
Well, thats the story really. We both got home okay teeth chattering and pants freezing along the way. Neither one of us told our parents about it, and I still haven't.

Thats all I can say, except don't do that kids. It's just not fun.

Oh and before I forget I have been learning this new song. Well, it's actually an old Bobby Dylan tune that everyone and there brother knows. Will I ever play it out? Maybe, maybe not. Probably.

Do lots of other people play it out, sure. There are a great many wonderful tunes to play, and a vast uncharted sea of tunes to create. I think that if there is a bunch of great ones why not learn them and play them. WTF!!!!! Right.

So here is an over covered song by another skinny musician. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying learning it.
BTW I am still learning it and well you'll see.

Lots of everything good.
Trevor Marty

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