01 August, 2016

Nonverbal Communication

     I have recently been thinking about nonverbal communication. What brought this on was watching a show called ‘America’s Got Talent’ which essentially is a revamp of the old time talent shows of the 50’s and early 60’s. There is this one act on now named, ‘Tape Face’ who is terrific.  He’s a clown of the nonverbal mime style. I’ve included his full audition so you can understand this idea I’m bringing about.

     Nonverbal communication.
How do we use body language to communicate feelings, humor, ideas, ect. Everything from simple things to more complex ideas. Humans are amazing critters that way, but so are other animals. When was the last time you just motioned to a dog and he/she came over to you or pointed and they went to where you were pointing to?

     I think that body touch counts as a nonverbal communication. You can just touch someone you care about on the back and they know just what you mean. What about when someone you love isn’t there you can still feel them with you. By that I mean after they leave the room your body still feels there’s laying next to you or holding your hand. All of these things communicate stuff and I find it amazing. I find it amazing how much we say to one another without even saying anything, but what about miscommunication? Can that happen nonverbally too? I think so yes. A good example of that is R.B.F. (aka Resting Bitch Face) For those folks who don’t know what this is. It’s simple. A person who is relaxed lets their muscles go a little limp. Sometimes a person's face relaxes and it looks like they’re pissed off at you, or super grumpy.  So you leave them alone and they wonder why no one's talking to them. A grumpy look or a pissed off look communicates potential danger right? You steer clear of someone that’s like that so you don’t get punched. R.B.F. is a great example of a miscommunication that might make you steer clear of someone who could be a good buddy later on.

     I wonder about thoughts too. When I am thinking it’s in verbal form. For instance if I write a list of things to do in a day. I recite the list in my head as I write them. When I was living in Poland it would switch from English to Polish. Slowly at first then it became more prominent as I my time there became longer and I started to understand the language more. I wonder how a person who has never spoken thinks? Do they see gestures in their head as problem solve something? Alternately there are some pilgrimages that demand complete silence for the duration of the time you are on the pilgrimage. What happens to how you think as that time extends further and you speak less and less? Do you stop ‘hearing your voice’ in your head and start with pictures?
Nonverbal communication to oneself.

     What about performers? Jim Morrison use test the crowd by not saying anything or doing anything. He would just stare at them? What happens in the absence of nonverbal communication you know. The crowd gets really uncomfortable. The next time you’re at any kind of a performance watch how the entertainer using nonverbal cues. Whether he/she is using silence and not moving, or gesturing wildly.

How do you use nonverbal communication?

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