08 December, 2010

Migrating and Central Heating.

Migrating and Central Heating.

“You know I’ve got some cousins that migrate every year.”, said the Milli the Mouse. She was sitting with Veronica the Vole enjoying one of the last warm day’s of summer.
“Oh honey don’t I know it. We’ve all got cousins like that. ‘It’s migrating day’ they all say and jump up and down and get so excited. Well not me. It’s Central Heating for me, and we’ve got such a place were that filthy cat can’t ever get to us.”
“Veronica, I know what you mean. You won’t catch ladies like us tramping around the country. Not when there’s cheese in the house and that beautiful fun throttled sound of heat rushing through the metal pipes. I’m ready to move in soon too. Let me tell you I got so cold last night that I almost froze my fur off.” The ladies had been friends since they were little, and hadn’t moved like most of there friends and family had. They were survivors too. They lived through one bad Winter after another until they found the human’s house. Bringing there whole families into the house through a crack in the foundation. They lived like queens, central heating, food, plenty of time to themselves.

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