09 March, 2009

Monday Morning

Howdy Folks-
Well, it's quarter to 6 am on Monday morning, and I don't have much to report.
What's happened this weekend? I bought a book, played guitar a bunch, messed
around with my cat, and shoveled.  The weekend turned out pretty good I guess.
My Hibiscus plants are having a hard time lately. Keeping tropical plants through
the Winter has turned out to be a learning experience, and Im not sure if I've learned
enough. Ahh well. They will make it to Spring. All in all most of my plants have
done pretty well this Winter. I have 3 grow lights on in the house so that
they will get enough light.
I'm rambling on and on right now, but I guess I'm in a rambling sort of mood.
Do y'all take an inventory of what happened during the Winter?
I do. I ask myself what I lost this time, and what I gained.
Lost some friends, gained some weight. LOL. That's kinda how it goes ya know.
Lost some of my future retirement in the stock market gained a great president.
Lost some of my self-respect gained (well I'm sure I gained something in place of
Lost George Carlin, gained I don't know what to put here. There isn't anyone who
can take his place.
Anyways that just a little of what's going through my mind on Monday morning.

Best Wishes and Good Luck with your taxes.
Trevor Marty

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