13 July, 2011

Fruit Fly's, Insurgents, & Politians


Fruit Fly’s

10 minute writing about Fruit Fly’s with no real agenda or goal. Just writing

I think they’re easy to get fruit fly’s. Just leave something out on the counter a little to long and there you go. Even one day beyond where it’s suppose to be and away you go with this amazing sort of power to the people thing. Only you’re not a member anymore; as a matter of fact, you’re the current power mongering totalitarian state. One could look at it any number of way’s . Insurgents determined to hide out in the cupboards and ruin your finances and confidences by returning again and again with a fruit bomb or an all out sneak attack to you face as you stand bleary eye’d in the morning waiting for coffee.

One of the damnedest things about these little buggers is that they learn. They learn from how you killed them all before. Don’t ask me how a brand new batch can be aware of how the other batch was killed off when none of them survived. The only thing that matters is that they do.

Fruit Fly’s are also remarkably like politicians. Always thinking about the next time they get fed. The act of being fed is obviously different in these cases. I mean one just loves fruits and vegi’s and the other is hungry for power and money. But the final analysis is the same. I think.



Simple Greed.

The fruit fly is all about feeding itself and it’s egg’s and therefore continuing it’s species; although, I don’t like them I can understand this sentiment. The politician on the other hand is all about keeping and legitimizing it’s own power structure. Keeping folks dependent and ignorant on the crazy way’s the power structure.

I think.

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